Lockdown Should Mean "Lock Down"

So this Covid-19 virus has now been around for 2 years and our awesome British government (sarcasm) still hasn't come to terms that in order to protect the people around us and to reduce the number of infected we need to keep our bloody doors shut and stay behind them.  Our government isn't setting a good example when they're bribing people to go to public restaurants, opening public schools, and are filmed shaking hands with random people in hospitals.  What in the hell was all that about?

Now that there's a vaccine being passed around the most vulnerable members of the public the government has decided to relax the lockdown regulations once more, even if most the public had already given up on trying to guess what the hell they were or weren't supposed to do before due to constantly changing and conflicting press announcements or just didn't give a crap.

Aside from our government being run by an amoeba who hasn't brushed his hair since the day he fell out of his mother's vagina, there's a lot of foolish prats out there who seem to think they're somehow exempt from any lockdown regulations and can prance about unprotected in public places in large groups.  You could be one of the lucky few who has no symptoms at all that you wouldn't even know you had Covid-19.  Having no symptoms doesn't mean you're immune, you can still be a carrier and pass on the virus to other people.  This is how viruses work.  Even being vaccinated or wearing protection doesn't guarantee you won't get infected, but it does help reduce the chances.

In the wake of this people were protesting against lockdown or against being ordered to wear face masks in public places and I just wish I could knock some sense into these idiots.  Don't you realise how bloody stupid your protests are?  You're protesting for what, your right to die or kill those around you?  I've heard of people who've been practicing safe distance measures and wearing protecting whilst rarely leaving their own homes only to become infected from entering a building where just 1 person wasn't wearing protection.  That 1 person is now responsible for infecting several because they were too selfish to think of anyone other than themselves.  That's all it takes for a virus to spread.

But what about the vaccine you may ask?  Yes I've heard the various excuses to why the vaccine is bad, that Bill Gates intends to use the vaccine to take over the world yadda yadda yadda, and all of them are ridiculous.  Tell me, what is so special about yourself that you think the government would be so interested in knowing?  Your excessive porn collection?  Your stolen music and DVD collection?  Even if you have a harddrive full of hardcore porn and stolen music there's nothing the government is the slightest bit interested in knowing about what you're up to and even if they were they don't need to install a chip inside you to know everything there is about you so quit fooling yourself.

And no the government isn't trying to cull the population by introducing a virus or a vaccine that's as deadly.  The first wave of people to receive the vaccine were the elderly and they make up the majority of their voters, so it would be stupid to kill off their own voters.  Most of those elderly would've been due to die anyways or if they did die from the vaccine then they would've had no chance of surviving the real thing.  Even if their passing was from old age or some other underlying condition, if they were tested positive with Covid-19 recently or had the vaccine then their death records will state it was Covid-19, so you can't base the number of Covid-19 and vaccine deaths on this number because it's an overestimate.

I know that the vaccine isn't the magic cure we all hoped for that hasn't been fully tested and doesn't guarantee you won't get Covid-19, but neither is the Influenza vaccine and we still don't have a cure for the Common Cold.  I am 100% sure that the scientists working day and night in labs would love to find a magic cure, but viruses have a habit of A) spreading and B) mutating.  This is why we need flu shots every year, because every year there's a new strain that our bodies aren't yet trained to fight against and is why we still suffer with the flu despite having tackled it in previous years.  At present we gotta take what we can get and hope it'll help us ride it out in one piece even if it's not a guarantee because it's better to have a chance of not getting ill with Covid-19 than to have no chance.


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