Jobs You Don't Want to Do if You Want People to Not Hate You

I thought of doing something funny and I decided to come up with a list of jobs you really don't want to do if you don't want people hating on you and their reasons.  This is my own personal list so I'm pretty sure there's other jobs I haven't mentioned but these are the ones that came to mind.  These aren't in any particular order.


Being the big guy in charge definitely makes you the biggest dick in any establishment.  You are the sole reason why people working under you and people who buy your products have to suffer.  Your job isn't there to actually make sure things work but to berate everyone under you to keep them reminded who's in charge and to make things really difficult for everyone else especially that one worker you really hate (actually for quite a few managers and supervisors this is their actual job - these people don't last long in such positions as people won't put up with that shit for long and will either find ways to get you fired for being an asshole or will walk out enmasse causing your business to crumble.)

At the end of the day the manager's job is to ensure that things are pushed out on schedule even if they're not completed in order to make as much money as possible.  Who cares if that game you just pushed out for release is a half-broken mess where people's characters melt if they walk on grass or jumping causes them to fly towards the sun and are never seen or heard of again?  As long as that game is out the week before Christmas without a moments' delay then all that money you made on preorders is what matters.

Game/Software Developers

Apparently every single hour you're working at a computer isn't to fix the plethora of bugs but to just leave them in to annoy everyone else (unless you're working for EA Games, in which case this isn't down to the developers but the guys in charge - refer to Manager/Supervisors), or because your PHDs in multiple coding languages aren't enough to prove that you're not some clueless noob who doesn't know how to fix a single bug in tens of thousands of lines of codes that in no way will trigger more bugs and causes everything to crash and burn.

Apparently you're THE developer, not the several other colleagues at varying skill levels who are working on different parts of the code in an attempts to make something that when compiled together works flawlessly and in harmony.  Even if some big guy walks in demanding a "simple change" that is either technically impossible or would require weeks or even months to implement it and make sure it works with everything else, it's your fault if it breaks things because you're too stupid at your job even if that part of the code has nothing to do with the part you're working on.

And if you happen to be the lead developer then you're hated even more especially in game development because you're the sadistic narcist who doesn't listen to what other people suggest and just want to design the game to make players suffer whilst keeping it addictive enough for them to keep on paying you to play it.

Tech Support

This job purely sucks on its own where you have to sit at the same tiny desk all day answering thousands of requests like you're some kind of endless encyclopedia of knowledge and a psychic to know exactly what the customers are thinking and describing to you.  People are gonna hate you for not knowing the answers to life, the universe and everything (which is 42 btw.)  Whilst it's not your fault the product isn't working for them you're still going to get Karens screaming like banshees down the phone to you because you don't know what the problem is just from listening to their incoherent description of what is wrong which may or may not be missing several other relevant details, could be one of several different issues that in order to diagnose would need more than a simple call in order to fix it, or because they simply cannot fathom the idea that some things just aren't compatable with others or aren't meant to be used in the manner in which they're trying to brute-force it to and can't understand why you don't know all the answers and can't cook up a miracle which will fix everything for them.

To some people you're also "not real" and you're a machine that's searching for keywords and reading answers off a script that are completely irrelevant to their queries (in some cases though this is actually true.)  They will demand to speak to a human, your supervisor, or ask to be patched to someone who knows better because apparently they can do their job better than you can and they too have all the answers.  In fact you may be that person they demanded to be patched to because apparently you're more smarter than everyone else and if that previous guy didn't know how to make his toaster wash clothes at 40 degrees and providing perfectly toasted crumpets at the end of the spin cycle then surely you do!

Let's face it - this job sucks and everyone hates you for it.

General Practicioners

Most people will agree that doctors aren't there to make you feel better or don't know how to and are just throwing prescriptions of the same useless medication at you to make you go away so they can see the next patient and do the same thing to them.  In fact some will even say they used Google to diagnose themselves and that all those years you spent in university and med school don't matter because Google has already found out what's wrong and how they need to be treated and that if they aren't treated right away they could die within the next few days or need extensive surgery.

Yes it's true that there have been malpractices and misdiagnosis of patients that have resulted in people being later diagnosed with far more serious conditions, but like with everything else in life there's often more than 1 reason why a patient is feeling ill and without multiple tests and a thorough diagnosis that rules everything else out it's still not 100% that you're gonna find just 1 answer.  Certain tests can be very expensive and completely unnecessary and may take days to get a positive result in which time the patient could recover naturally, and certain treatments can be very damaging to the body, so doctors will try to treat the one that does the least harm to the body and is the least expensive to test for first before moving onto the next.  You'll still get blamed for why your patient is still feeling like crap several weeks later and told that you're not educated enough to know what is wrong with them, and even should it turn out that they did have a far more serious condition that yes it could've been treated earlier had it been diagnosed earlier you'll still be blamed and even possibly sued for "not doing your job properly" despite that their symptoms were synonymous with at least 40 other lesser known ailments where half only require bed rest, painkillers and a box of Kleenex.

Plus Google has all the answers.  In fact why have doctors at all?  Google knows everything and how to treat it!  Brain surgery for everyone and all our ailments will be resolved!  Then people will instead blame Google when their bodies start to rot and curse why their medical bills will take the lifetime wages of not only themselves but those of their future great grandkids to pay off.


We've heard the horror stories of police officers abusing their authority, and it is in fact a real issue where people with power will often abuse it and end up escallating a simple problem into a heated situation often leading to arrests, court proceedings and possible injuries to those involved (some situations people have unneccesarily died.)  Not all police are bad police, but just wearing the uniform is enough to have most people avert their eyes and walk by nervously or getting riled up the moment you look in their direction.  The same is said for military personel.  Basically a guy (or gal) in uniform is like painting a big target marker on yourself for people to fear and hate you.

In situations where police or military are involved people will often get frustrated and riled up because they believe they're not being listened to and are being treated unfairly.  They'll want to make sure they get their say and any decisions made will reflect what they've stated, and if that doesn't look like it's going to work they get very upset and resentful at the officers for "not listening" to them, even though that's exactly what you've been doing for the past 30 minutes of their exhasperated rambling that's been on repeat like a broken record.

Some people see it as a challenge to push how far they can go above the law and challenge police to arrest them because apparently they too have "studied the law" in the 1 hour or less it took them on Google to read their rights and memorize which ammendments would apply to their present situation over the years it took you to learn every aspect of the law at university and law school training.  Criminals will generally hate anyone working in law authority because they want to do what they want without being told they can't and if they get caught some react very negatively and violently or claim they're being descriminated or unlawfully arrested.  Humans have always been like this.  Tell a toddler they can't do something and they'll throw a tantrum or start crying.  We don't like being told what we can and can't do and the police do exactly that and are what stands in our way of getting what we want when we want it.  F*ck police!

nb. j/k


The only people who seem to hate judges are those where the court's judgment doesn't fall in their favor.  They will accuse judges of having been paid to make a false judgment despite this is illegal and such accusations would not be taken lightly especially if it's proven to be true.

In the end a judge's final judgment will be based on what the jury has decided and it's extremely unlikely that a judge will overrule the jury's verdict unless there is clear evidence that absolutely points flaws in the jury's verdict.  So if a judge's judgment is being accused of being biased then so is the verdict of the entire jury.

Despite it's the jury that comes to the conclusion after all evidence has been provided the judge will be the one hated on their final decision by anyone who disagrees with it as this includes punishment type and duration which is decided by the judge.  The court has found them guilty, the judge has ordered them repay damages and spend some time in detention.  They're not gonna like it, their friends and family are not gonna like it, and those who think the punishment is too harsh or that they were wrongly accused are definitely not gonna like it.  The judge has become the judged and they've been found HATED.

Call Centers/Door-to-Door Sales

Let's face it, most of us f*cking hate you guys, especially if our numbers are on some caller blacklist or we're in the middle of something important at home or enjoying a relaxing evening and you've started knocking on our doors trying to convince us that your energy saving program can save us 50p more than the extremely efficient and well trusted one we've been using the past decade.  We don't want you disturbing us, you are the equivalent of email spam ringing our phones and door bells with your dirty businesses.  If we were interested in your company we would've used the web to look you up and signed up to you that way rather than sign with some guy in a tie and a cheesy grin and briefcase whose sole earnings are on commissions of those he just tricked into signing away their souls knowing that 3 months later those savings will turn into debts to be paid.

If your company is one of those scam services that tricks people into giving them money or bank account details to get drained off their overdrafts then you deserve to be hated 110%.  F*ck you and your entire family for raising you wrong you thieving asshole.


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