
Showing posts from May, 2023

Jobs You Don't Want to Do if You Want People to Not Hate You

I thought of doing something funny and I decided to come up with a list of jobs you really don't want to do if you don't want people hating on you and their reasons.  This is my own personal list so I'm pretty sure there's other jobs I haven't mentioned but these are the ones that came to mind.  These aren't in any particular order. Manager/Supervisors Being the big guy in charge definitely makes you the biggest dick in any establishment.  You are the sole reason why people working under you and people who buy your products have to suffer.  Your job isn't there to actually make sure things work but to berate everyone under you to keep them reminded who's in charge and to make things really difficult for everyone else especially that one worker you really hate (actually for quite a few managers and supervisors this is their actual job - these people don't last long in such positions as people won't put up with that shit for long and will either fi