
Showing posts from May, 2021

Pets Are Not Vegan by Choice

This is another topic that has really hit a bad nerve with me. Vegan pets. Unless your pet is a rabbit, a guinea pig, a chinchilla, a chicken, or a species of bird that is a herbivore  (some birds eat worms and other small insects) then your pet should be eating meat as part of its daily requirement. Unlike humans animals do not have a choice, they either are herbivore, omnivore, or carnivore.  You can imagine how much this irks me when I hear of hardcore vegans who are feeding dogs and cats a vegan diet and saying how healthy they are.  For the untrained eye they may look like they're coping when in fact some serious organ damage is happening in their bodies from the lack of meat and fish, especially with cats. Cats are carnivores - no veg period!  Just because they eat grass doesn't mean they're getting anything nutritional from it nor that they enjoy eating it.  They eat the grass out of necessity to help them vomit up clumps of hair and dust they've swallowed when c