
Showing posts from April, 2021

A Dog Is For Life, Not Just For Lockdown

First we hear of dog kennels getting full after Christmas.  Now we've got dogs being adopted and promptly returned for silly reasons during lockdown.  It was kinda inevitable that when we were told about needing a second lockdown that people living by themselves would seek out a fur baby for company, but once again there's been lots of puppies being adopted and returned for all kinds of reasons - the new owners couldn't afford it, it was too difficult to train it, or in one ridiculous case it didn't match the colour of the furniture . Honestly have we forgotten that dogs have needs of their own and what happens when kennels become too full?  Have the stories of dogs needing to be put down because there's nowhere else for them to go not reached the ears of the masses?  Oh I'm sure you think your pure-bred dog is something special, but if it were that special you wouldn't be giving it away!  And no, being a pure-bred does not make it exempt from being put down...